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Latest news and updates from EvolvePlus

Trevor is a Director at EvolvePlus Pty Ltd - a company providing leading edge IoT People Counting and Library Technology solutions to organisations across Australia and New Zealand.

People Counter Videos

EvolvePlus has released a number of People Counter videos on our new product video website at

Our people counter product videos provide a visual representation of how the EvolvePlus People Counters can be used in different environments, as well as the showing how easy it is to deliver in-depth analysis on your traffic counting statistics.

The most recent videos published on the site are:

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BookingsPlus Online Payment Gateway

Using the BookingsPlus Online Payment Gateway you can offer your customers the convenience of paying their deposit or the full fee using Visa, MasterCard or American Express for Events, Room Bookings, Resource Bookings and Facility Bookings.

The Online Payment Gateway is available with BookingsPlus version 15 that is being released to customers over the coming months, and it provides a secure and easy way to accept payments. We’ve partnered with Stripe, one of the leading vendors for processing online payments, to enable online payments for Events, Room, Resource and Facility Bookings.

Another key highlight in BookingsPlus version 15 is the new booking price calculation setting, enabling you to configure the deposit, hourly rate and fixed rate. With this new setting, the price for bookings created by customers using the Self-Service Web Portal will be automated calculated and provide a link for online payment.

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Aurora Software Release February 2018

A new version of Aurora Library Management System Cloud Desktop has been released to all library customers during February 2018.

Highlights of the February 2018 release include:

New Notices via Cloud 

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New Product: Single Side Laser Counter

EvolvePlus is pleased to announce the release a new product model within our wireless people solution - the Single Side Laser People Counter.

Whether you are trying to measure traffic to support project funding, optimise labour, determine advertising effectiveness, or count items on a production line, EvolvePlus provides the tools that assist organisations increase profitability and optimise operational efficiency by analysing visitor traffic to make informed business decisions. 

Our new Single Side Laser People Counter enables you to count pedestrians and moving objects via a user-defined counting distance (0.2 to 8 metres) without requiring a separate receiver or reflector.

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Aurora Software Release January 2018

A new version of Aurora Cloud Desktop has been released to all library customers during January 2018.

Highlights of the release include:


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My Reading List for Schools

Get ready for the new school year and preparing your strategy for how your school plans to engage students in wider reading.

My Reading List for Schools is a new approach to independent reading to inspire and engage students as readers. It provides a place for students to log their reading and write short reviews. It engages students through the hooks of technology, competition and the social aspect of reading other student reviews. 

My Reading List can help to enable dialogue between teachers and students about reading and the online nature of the application makes logging the books a fun activity. The application features have been developed with the input of Teachers, Librarians and Teacher-Librarians.

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We're On The Move

We are excited to announce that EvolvePlus has moved to a new location in Mulgrave, Victoria.  

After spending the previous two years in Scoresby we are on the move to the Monash Enterprise Centre.

This provides us (and our customers) with improved facilities including a training room with seating for up to 30 people as well as modern meeting rooms with large built in TV displays.

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Visit EvolvePlus at SWITCH 2017

EvolvePlus is delighted to support the NSW Public Libraries Association (NSWPLA) at their public library conference SWITCH 2017, being held from 21 to 23 November in Penrith.

For public libraries interested in the latest library technologies & products we will have an exciting range of cloud & technology solutions on display.

This include our Wireless People Counters, Overhead Thermal People Traffic Solutions, Public PC Bookings and Print Management, Aurora Library Management System, Million Word Reading Challenge App, Online Social Community Directory Platform with Mobile Apps, VuFind Discovery Layer and much more.

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Outdoor People Counters with Statistical Analysis

EvolvePlus deliver a range of Outdoor People Counter solutions that provide detailed statistical analysis via a web dashboard.

We offer Outdoor People Counter models with the choice between real-time visitor traffic analysis and offline pedestrian traffic analysis that is uploaded to a server on a regular basis. The weatherproof casing of the people counters enables implementation in a variety of outdoor environments including toilet blocks, outdoor pathways, car parks, festivals, markets as well as indoor venues that are exposed to water such as swimming pools and leisure centres.

The battery powered USB People Counter with Weatherproof Casing is moulded from the finest commercial grade plastic. The weatherproof case is designed to withstand the harsh outdoor elements whilst providing superior security for the counter sensors. 

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EvolvePlus Appointed Local Buy Approved Supplier

EvolvePlus is pleased to announce our appointment as Approved Supplier for QLD Local Government (Contract No. BUS243-1113 "Council Business Systems") by Local Buy - Local Government Association of Queensland.

As a Local Buy pre-qualified supplier it enables Councils, Local Government authorities and other Government entities to purchase directly from EvolvePlus without having to go through a separate time consuming and costly tendering process.

EvolvePlus is an Australian company providing a range of cloud based applications including Facility Booking Management, PC Booking Management, Library Management, Community Engagement Platform (including Community Directory), Reference Tracking and Customer Request Management, Reporting & Dashboard Designer, Community Survey Application, Deep Freeze Cloud and Content Management solutions.

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Visit EvolvePlus at PLWA 2017

The Public Libraries WA (PLWA) conference is taking place 7th and 8th September 2017 at The University Club of WA and is the premier professional development event for the public library network in WA.

EvolvePlus is proud to support the PLWA 2017 Conference "Challenge Accepted!" and we will  have an exciting range of cloud & technology solutions on display for libraries including:

  • Wireless People Counter Solutions, including 3G Connectivity, Infrared Sensor and Overhead Thermal Counters
  • PC Bookings & Print Management 
  • Aurora Library Management System
  • Million Word Reading Challenge App
  • PD Manager
  • Online Social Community Platform with Mobile Apps
  • Event and Room Booking Management
  • Customer Request & Reference Tracking
  • Web Reporting & Dashboards (Combining Data from People Counters, ILS and more)

We will be at Booth 16 in the Trade Exhibition - come and visit us to learn more about our People Counting & Cloud solutions for Libraries.

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People Counter Software Implemented on Linux

Our Wireless Infrared and Overhead Thermal People Counter solutions include the SensorServer software application which allows users to analyse traffic count data by hour, day, week, month, and year in table or graph form simply using their web browser. This valuable information reveals peak traffic periods to determine optimal operating hours and staffing requirements, and helps calculate peak visitor times. The People Inside Web App for SensorServer also enables organisations to view the number of people currently inside a venue, which is ideal for venues that are required to monitor capacity numbers in real time to comply with liquor licensing laws, venue capacity limits, etc.

Up to now the On-Premise edition of SensorServer has been installed on the Windows and macOS operating systems.  We are pleased to announce that we have successfully implemented the SensorServer software for our People Counters on the CentOS Linux platform.

This is ideal for customers who are using Linux as their preferred operating system platform. It also represents a lower operating cost when implementing a dedicated Linux virtual server in AWS or Azure compared to monthly costs of using a Windows virtual server. 

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People Counter Software Implemented on macOS

Our USB and Wireless People Counter solutions include the SensorServer software application - which customers can choose the On-Premise edition for installation on their own server/PC, or they can choose to use the Cloud edition delivered from the EvolvePlus cloud infrastructure.

Up to now the On-Premise edition has been installed on the Windows operating system.  We are pleased to announce that we have successfully implemented the SensorServer software for our People Counters on the Apple macOS operating system.

Gertrude Contemporary, a not-for-profit gallery and studio complex that has been supporting contemporary artists for over 30 year, uses Apple iMacs as their primary IT platform. 

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PC Bookings with Print Management

We are pleased to announce the availability of the Print Management and Self Service Kiosk capability for the BookingsPlus PC Booking solution for libraries.

Using BookingsPlus PC Bookings it’s easy for library members, guests and staff to easily reserve public access PCs and view availability. 

The new Print Management module and associated Self Service Kiosks makes it easy to manage printing and recover costs from members and guests printing from public workstations. It is designed to check and manage the usage of your print equipment, whether they are printers (network and local) or multifunction devices (MFD). 

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Visit EvolvePlus at EduTECH 2017

EduTECH 2017 is taking place 8th and 9th June 2017 at the International Conference Centre in Sydney, and is the largest education expo in the entire Asia Pacific region.

EvolvePlus is proud to support EduTECH 2017 and we will be have an exciting range of productivity & technology solutions on display for libraries, schools and tertiary education including:

  • Million Word Reading Challenge App
  • PD Manager
  • Wireless People Counter Solutions, including 3G Connectivity, Infrared Sensor and Overhead Thermal Counters
  • Online Social Community Platform with Mobile Apps
  • PC, Event and Room Booking Management
  • Customer Request & Reference Tracking
  • Aurora Library Management System
  • Web Reporting & Dashboards (Combining Data from People Counters, ILS and more)

We will be at stand 150 in the "Libraries Zone" - come and visit us to learn more about our Productivity & Technology solutions for Libraries and Education.

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Amlib Data Services

EvolvePlus offers libraries a range of professional services for the Amlib library management system that save time and automate regular tasks. Whether your library is looking to optimise its processes or migrate Amlib data to another system, our staff have extensive experience across all aspects of Amlib.

We offer cloud hosting, software customisation, project planning, data migration, consultancy and managed admin services for the Amlib LMS. Our services include:

  • Amlib Managed Admin Services & Support
  • Amlib Data Conversion & Extraction
  • Amlib Software Customisation
  • Amlib Cloud Hosting & Archiving
  • Amlib Project Planning
  • Fully Featured Discovery Layer to Replace Amlib WebOPAC

Some of our most recent projects have included SMS integration for Patron Notices, delivery of web dashboards & reports that combine Amlib data with information from other sources (e.g. people counters), and troubleshooting SIP2 integration. 

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Integration of People Counters with SirsiDynix BLUEcloud Analytics

Statistical data from the EvolvePlus Wireless People Counter solution has recently been integrated into the SirsiDynix BLUEcloud Analytics platform.


The integration enables libraries to combine their people counter statistics with other SirsiDynix library data - for example loans, membership, etc. - and display this within unified web dashboards and reports.

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RefPlus Version 10 Now Available

RefPlus is an intuitive web based Reference and Request Tracking application that provides rapid information discovery and simple processes for capturing requests and responding with automated notifications.

With the release of version 10, RefPlus is even easier to use with a range of new features and enhancements:

  • New Advanced Search where you can search by any field (built-in or custom fields), save searches and have search results displayed in a separate list.


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BookingsPlus Enhancements

We've been busy collaborating with our customers to develop new features and enhancements to BookingsPlus - our cloud based bookings platform for rooms, events, public access PCs, game consoles and more.

Some of the latest enhancements include:

Room Bookings - Recurrent Bookings in Public View

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SurveyPlus Community Survey Web App

EvolvePlus is proud to announce the launch of SurveyPlus - a fully managed community survey web app that automates online surveys & questionnaires for your community, library members, visitors, ratepayers, staff, job applicants and more.

Importantly, SurveyPlus is delivered via our Australian cloud infrastructure, to ensure the privacy and security of your community's survey results and assist with compliance to your statutory obligations.

Some examples of how SurveyPlus can be used:

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Our Products

People Traffic Counters
Counting Customers | Interpreting Information | Driving Decisions - More info...

Library Solutions
BookingsPlus | Netloan | Aurora | RefPlus | Sensify | My Reading List - More info...

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12 November 2024
EvolvePlus is expanding its Overhead People Counter product lineup with the launch of the new Overhead Stereo Vision People Counter. Our new entry-level Overhead Stereo Vision People Counter leverages cutting-e...