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Differentiate Between Adults & Children in Footfall Statistics

Busy crowd for people counter traffic counting
Screen shot - adult and child people counter chart

For enhanced people counter analysis of visitor and customer numbers our Overhead 3D People Counter sensors can provide separate footfall statistics for Adults & Children.  

The onboard Artificial Intelligence (AI) detects the height of each person and counts as either an Adult or Child based on the height. You can configure the sensor with the height that you wish to use to differentiate each detected person as an Adult or Child.

The result is a more detailed analysis of customers and visitors, which is displayed via reports and charts within the EvolvePlus Dashboard.

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People Counter Videos

EvolvePlus has released a number of People Counter videos on our new product video website at

Our people counter product videos provide a visual representation of how the EvolvePlus People Counters can be used in different environments, as well as the showing how easy it is to deliver in-depth analysis on your traffic counting statistics.

The most recent videos published on the site are:

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EvolvePlus: New Product Announcement

EvolvePlus is pleased to announce the launching two new people counting products.

Overhead Thermal - Our Overhead Thermal People Counter fits discreetly onto the ceiling facing downwards and counts the people that pass underneath using thermal technology. The sensors are designed to detect the heat emitted by people passing underneath it as infrared radiation. Click here for more information

3G Gateway Device – Our door and thermal counters can now be connected to a 3G Gateway Device. This will enable the count and timestamp of people traffic to be directly transmitted to our hosted site via the mobile network. Then access the reports via the web interface to see how many customers visit day-by-day, hour-by-hour. Click here for more information

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People Traffic Counters
Counting Customers | Interpreting Information | Driving Decisions - More info...

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24 September 2024
For organisations seeking to install people counter sensors on a 4G mobile network rather than their corporate network, or for those placing footfall sensors at offsite locations with only power and 4G coverage...