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Enhancements to People Counter API

Analytics API for EvolvePlus People Counters

The ePortal API for our EvolvePlus Cloud Dashboard delivers footfall data from our Overhead 3D, Wireless and USB people counters in JSON format. 

The valuable information delivered via the API provides in-depth traffic insight to determine optimal operating hours, staffing requirements and peak visitor times, with organisations able to utilise the data within their own analytics applications such as Microsoft PowerBI and Zoho Analytics. 

With the release of version 1.2, the ePortal API has been enhanced to include support for our latest Wireless LoRaWAN people counters available in horizontal and overhead models. LoRaWAN is a Low Power, Wide Area (LPWA) networking protocol designed to wirelessly connect battery-operated IoT sensors over long distances.

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API for People Counter Data

The EvolvePlus ePortal web application provides data-driven analysis with dashboards and reports across people counter data from Overhead 3D, Wireless, USB and LoRaWAN people counters across specified date and time periods. This valuable information reveals in-depth traffic insight to determine optimal operating hours, staffing requirements and peak visitor times.

Our latest API for ePortal application is a RESTful API service to deliver EvolvePlus Overhead 3D and Infrared footfall data from the EvolvePlus Cloud Service in JSON format.

It enables customers to visualise count data from the EvolvePlus people counters into their own analytics applications such as Zoho Analytics and Microsoft PowerBI. Use your business intelligence dashboard to gain a richer insight by combining data from multiple sources into a centralised view, including sales results, financial statements, library statistics, event sales and people traffic counts.,  

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API for IoT People Counter Integration

A key feature of our EvolvePlus IoT People Counters solution is our IMMOTION software platform where data from our IoT traffic counters and devices are available from a unified dashboard & reporting platform. 

The platform enables organisations to analyse their people counter data using dashboards, reports and charts accessed via web browsers on desktops, tablets or smartphones. Users can filter by specific locations, positions, sensor and date/time periods ( hour, day, week, month, and year).

We also recognise the need for organisations to incorporate their people counter data into their Business Intelligence apps - so we make it easy for organisations to connect to the data platform using a range of APIs for your authorised BI apps to read the footfall data and incorporate in a combined dashboard. For example: Hourly People Count vs Sales, Hourly People Count vs Staff Rostering, etc.

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People Traffic Counters
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12 November 2024
EvolvePlus is expanding its Overhead People Counter product lineup with the launch of the new Overhead Stereo Vision People Counter. Our new entry-level Overhead Stereo Vision People Counter leverages cutting-e...