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People Counters for Optimising Facility Cleaning

Photo public toilet

Maintaining clean and hygienic public bathrooms and other building facilities are essential for ensuring the health and safety of visitors. But it can be challenging for facility managers and cleaning staff to keep up with the high traffic and varying usage patterns of these areas. The EvolvePlus people counters can be implemented as an effective tool for optimising cleaning in public restrooms and other facility spaces.

The EvolvePlus people counters detect and count the number of people entering and exiting a designated area. These sensors can be installed in entryways or above doorways of public restrooms to provide valuable insights into the usage. This data can then be used to develop cleaning schedules tailored to each restroom's specific needs.

By analysing the foot traffic data collected by the people counters within the EvolvePlus Cloud Dashboard, facility managers and cleaning contractors can determine the busiest times of the day for the restroom. This information can be used to optimise cleaning schedules, ensuring that the restroom is cleaned at the appropriate intervals to maintain a high level of hygiene. For example, if the data shows that a particular restroom experiences a surge in foot traffic during lunch hours, the cleaning schedule can be adjusted accordingly to ensure that the restroom is cleaned more frequently during this time.

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